You can make monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual contribution payments using your credit card or by giving a direct debit mandate.
Customized Interest-Free Private
Pension Plan
customers are kept in non-interest bearing private pension funds.
What is the minimum contribution amount for the plan?
You can make monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual contribution payments using your credit card or by giving a direct debit mandate.
The Customized Interest-Free Private Pension Plan offers the following benefits:
You benefit from numerous additional services right from your involvement in the Customized Interest-Free Private Pension Plan.
- Discounts at Contracted Health Institutions
- Contribution Assurance
- Assistance Services
How much is the enrollment fee and the administrative expense fee deduction?
An enrollment fee is charged if a pension contract is concluded for the first time with a company.
Contracts for which an enrollment fee is defined, all enrollment fees are deferred until the date of transfer to another company or withdrawal from the system. Contracts for which an enrollment fee is not defined or the contract has completed five (5) years after the effective date, enrollment fees cannot be collected.
Besides exercising the right to retirement, death, disability, or dissolution of a company, in the event of departure from the company before the completion of the five-year contract term, the fixed total corresponding to the remaining five (5) years and not collected by the company until departure will be deducted by the company from the private pension fund of the party as delayed enrollment fee. The monthly gross minimum wage amount in the first six (6) months of the year of departure is included in this calculation.
Administrative Expense Fee Deduction Over Contributions
Additional Administrative Expense Fee Deduction
Administrative Expense Fee Deduction Over the Accumulation
*The Annual Upper Limit of the Sum of the Enrollment Fee and the Administrative Expense Fee represents 8.5 percent of the monthly gross minimum wage amount effective after January of the starting year of each contract, limited to five (5) years after the effective date of the contract.
What is the total fund expense fee deduction refund? How is it determined?
The required contract years and corresponding refund rates of this program, which began on January 1, 2021, are as follows
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Contract Year |
Refund Rate |
Starting from the 6th year |
2.5% |
7 – 14 years |
Increasing by 2.5% per annum |
15th year and beyond |
25% |
Important notice for in-force contracts
What is the state contribution control? What are the rates?
Effective as of the sixth year of a private pension contract, total expense deductions made after the effective date until the date of termination of the contract are subject to the state contribution control. The total amount of deduction related to the state contribution is applied as of the sixth year of the contract, including the sixth year. State contribution control will start on January 1, 2021.
The upper limit on state contribution control rates varies according to the contract year.
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Contract Year |
State Contribution Control Rate |
6 |
60% |
7 |
70% |
8 |
80% |
9 |
90% |
10+ |
100% |
Government contribution control does not apply to the following contracts:
- Contracts whose total accumulation as of the date of control exceeds 10 times the annual gross minimum wage; and
- Contracts including irregular payment.
What is irregular payment?
If the contribution due after January 1, 2016, is not deposited within three (3) months after the date of payment, it is considered irregular payment under the relevant contract. For contracts that fall within the scope of irregular payments, participants are informed within five (5) workdays after the start of the irregular payment period.
When all overdue contributions are paid under an irregularly paid contract, it is accepted that regular payments have begun for that contract.
No state contribution control exists over deductions for contracts with irregular payment status.